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Saturday, October 27, 2012

A Pioneer of Medical Records

I found this story on a blog by a Doctor who blogs.  The subject of doctors who blog is an interesting one, but probably for another post.  I watched this video and was very impressed. Dr. Weed is right on. How could anyone audit, let alone make sense of that patients' chart?

The rest of the article by Dr. Wachter I will copy here.  It is an excellent article, the jest of which seems to me to be about usability of the EMR and the EMR not getting in the way of the human person who's digital information is being recorded:

Putting the “A” Back in SOAP Notes: Time to Tackle An Epic Problem

A colleague recently sent me a remarkable video – of Professor Lawrence Weed giving Medical Grand Rounds at Emory University in 1971. It’s fun to watch for many reasons: the packed audience composed mostly of white men in white jackets and narrow ties, the grainy black and white images a nostalgic reminder of Life Before High Def.
But the real treat is seeing Weed, then 47 years old, angular and frenetic, a man on a mission. He begins his talk by rifling through a typical medical chart, thick as a phone book. It is filled with garbage, he says disdainfully; “source oriented” rather than “problem oriented.” Weed was promoting his new vision for the medical record – one organized around patients’ clinical problems.
In 1964, in an article in the Irish Journal of Medical Sciences (reprised, rather more famously, in theNew England Journal in 1968), Weed described his new model for patient care records, known as theSOAP note (“Subjective, Objective, Assessment, and Plan”). The idea was to begin with the patient’s history, then to present the objective data (physical examination, and results of labs, radiographs, and other studies), and finally to describe an assessment and plan for each of the patient’s problems. SOAP notes were designed to populate what Weed called the POMR: problem-oriented medical record.
This was revolutionary stuff at the time, and Weed was ready for pushback from doctors who argued that their random jottings were sacred totems of the “art of medicine.” At 51:30 in the video, Weed addresses these objections:
Art… is not a scribble in the middle of the night…. We debase the word art itself when we call what we’ve been doing art… As Stravinsky says, ‘art is nothing more than placing limits and working against them rigorously’ …and if we refuse to place them… you do not have art, you have chaos, and, to a large extent that’s what we’ve had.  
I like Weed’s problem-oriented format – so much so that one of the reasons I’m pleased when my patients leave the ICU (other than the fact that this usually means that they’re getting better) is that my trainees’ oral presentations morph from being organ-system based (“Neuro: sedated, moving all fours, head CT negative for bleed; Cardiac: MAP 75 on 2 mics of Levophed, heart rate 85, lungs clear, 2 over 6 systolic murmur at apex, good systolic function on echo….”) to problem-based (“Problem 1: dyspnea. Patient remains short of breath, O2 sat 92% on 5 liters, lungs clear on exam and chest x-ray negative. Plan is for chest CT to rule out PE…”). When I hear an organ-based presentation, I find myself struggling to translate it into a problem framework, like someone who isn’t quite fluent in a foreign language trying to make sense of a song in that language.
Whatever the method used to divide patients up into manageable chunks, there is always a tension between a reductionist view of a patient’s problems (or organs) and a big-picture view. Just as we are, biochemically, simply the sum of our cells, even atheists know that humans are far more than that. So too are patients more than the sum of their problems.
Note that I’m not being touchy-feely and holistic here, decrying the dehumanizing aspects of modern healthcare. No, I’m saying that even if you are a coot who doesn’t give a damn about what the patient isfeeling, even if you gloss over the social history in a mad dash to the liver function tests, even if you think that “patient-centered care” is mostly an empty slogan, even if you’re the kind of doctor who simply wants to figure out your patient’s problems and deal with them effectively, you must balance the simplicity and practicality of a systematic approach with the need to see patients as more than the sum of their problems.
With paper notes, this tension usually managed to work itself out. Even as we embraced Weed’s problem-oriented approach, there was something about the act of writing things down that made you realize that there was a person attached to the problems, and that each patient needed an über-assessment – a paragraph or two summing up his or her issues. The reason for this was not so much to honor the patient’s humanity (although that’s nice too) as it was to offer a crucial synthesis of what was otherwise a jumble of facts and impressions.
At UCSF Medical Center, we went live with our version of the Epic electronic medical record three months ago. It beats pen and paper, and it beats the EMR system that we traded out (at a cost of a hundred million dollars or so) by a long shot. The implementation went well overall, notwithstanding a few snafus (several thousand missing billing charges, a few patients temporarily unaccounted for, that kind of thing). I’m certain that these glitches can and will be ironed out.
But I’m less confident that we can fix what Epic is doing to our notes, and our brains.
The system, you see, places the problem list at the core of the patient’s clinical world – in a way that goes well beyond what Larry Weed imagined. One really doesn’t “write a note” anymore; rather one charts on each of the patient’s problems, one by one. At the end of a session, the computer magically weaves these fragments into what outwardly appears to be the patient’s progress note. But it’s not really a note, it’s a series of problems (each accompanied by a brief assessment and plan) held together with electronic Steri-Strips. In other words, it takes Weed’s vision of the POMR and hypertrophies it. As with muscle, while some hypertrophy can improve function and be attractive, there comes a point when more hypertrophy becomes constrictive, dysfunctional, even grotesque.
Why did Epic and our UCSF IT gurus structure things this way? The primary virtue is that this charting-by-problem approach allows the patient to be followed longitudinally, since one can track problems such as “hypertension” or “ovarian cancer” over years, seeing how they have been managed and observing the response to therapy. It isn’t a bad conceit, and it probably makes tons of sense when described in a fishbone diagram on an informatics seminar whiteboard.
But the effect I witnessed on patient care and education was less positive. When I was on clinical service in July and read the notes written by our interns and residents, I often had no idea whether the patient was getting better or worse, whether our plan was or was not working, whether we need to rethink our whole approach or stay the course.
In other words, I couldn’t figure out what was going on with the patient.
If Epic was the only thing promoting this kind of reductionist approach, it might be survivable. But it’s not. In the face of duty-hours limits, our trainees are increasingly programmed to operate in a “just the facts, ma’am” mode, to approach patients as a series of problems to be addressed expeditiously and algorithmically. This “if X, then Y” mode of thinking isn’t wrong, per se, but – particularly in the hospital – when unaccompanied by an effort to paint a coherent overall picture, the notes (and accompanying presentations) can become data without information, empty e-calories.
(Note that this problem comes on top of the copy-and-paste phenomenon so cleverly skewered by Hirschtick a few years back in JAMA. While copy-and-paste must be addressed, I’m less worried about it than I am about the impact of the EMR on clinical synthesis and reasoning.)
Larry Weed was acutely aware of another objection to his problem-oriented approach: the concern that each problem would be viewed in a vacuum. In his 1968 article, he wrote:
Fragmentation of single diagnostic entities resulting from listing separately single related findings is not a legitimate complaint against a complete list of problems. If a complete analysis is done on each finding, integration of related ones is an automatic byproduct. Failure to integrate findings into a valid single entity can almost always be traced to incomplete understanding of all the implications of one or all of them.
In the old days, failure to connect the dots between problems 1, 3, and 6 may well have been due to cognitive gaps. But the modern IT system can prevent even smart physicians from performing this essential act of synthesis. The patient with cough, sinus problems, and kidney failure cannot be thought of as the sum of the differential diagnosis of each of these problems. Instead, as Occaminsisted, these problems must be placed in a Venn diagram, accompanied by strenuous attempts to figure out what lives at the intersection. This is damn hard to do when one is electronically charting each problem independently. Monkeys and typewriters come to mind.
Over the past few years, Epic has “won the game” in the competition among IT vendors trying to sell to large teaching hospitals. This is fine – it is a robust system and an impressive company. But something needs to be done to preserve the essential act of clinical synthesis, and soon.
What would I do? I’d build into each Epic note a mandatory field, and call it “Über Assessment” or “The Big Picture.” Mousing over a little icon would reveal the field’s intended purpose:
In this field, please tell the many people who are coming to see your patient – nurses, nutritionists, social workers, consultants, your attending – what the hell is going on. What are the major issues you’re trying to address and the questions you’re struggling to answer? Describe the patient’s trajectory – is he or she getting better or worse? If worse (or not better), what are you doing to figure things out, and when might you rethink the diagnosis or your therapeutic approach and try something new? Please do not use this space to restate the narrow, one-problem-at-a-time-oriented approach you have so competently articulated in other parts of this record. We know that the patient has hypokalemia and that your plan is to replace the potassium. Use this section to be more synthetic, more novelistic, more imaginative, more expansive. Tell a story.
All in all, I am pleased that UCSF went with the Epic system and I remain a fan of electronic health records. And Larry Weed was right: we must have a structure to record what is happening to our patients, and his problem-oriented approach remains the most appealing one. (Ultimately, one wonders whether natural language processing will make such a structure less important, in the same way that I no longer pay much attention to filing documents on my Mac now that its search function is so powerful.)
But the time is now – before our trainees build habits that will be awfully hard to break – to recognize that electronic medical records do more than chronicle our patients’ histories, exams, and labs. They are also cognitive forcing functions, ever-so-subtly modifying our approach and language into something that can either improve our clinical care and teaching, or not. Let’s show these computers who’s boss, and put the “A” back in SOAP.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Paging Dr. Watson

I did watch Watson defeat the best Jeopardy players in the world, when - last year or so - and of course as an eHealth student, I knew this would be a fantastic machine to program for medicine, in particular, diagnosis.  I knew about other attempts at artificial intelligence for diagnosis like Isabel.  Isabel is one of the leading "differential clinical decision support" tools for physicians.  There were many early experiments in artificial intelligence for medicine, and I believe the editor our our Biomedical Informatics textbook, Edward H. Shortliffe, was also an early pioneer, as the chapter would attest. The writer on this article on "Paging Dr. Watson" mentions a book called "How Doctors Think".  I read it, and it is excellent.  Another book that is relevent is "Every Patient Tells a Story" by Lisa Sanders, who advised on the House TV series.  One theme of the book is the loss of skill in the physical exam by physicians and the over reliance on technology for diagnosis.  I am just saying. 



Paging Dr. Watson: artificial intelligence as a prescription for health care

October 18, 2012

(Credit: IBM)
“It’s not humanly possible to practice the best possible medicine. We need machines,” said Herbert Chase, a professor of clinical medicine at Columbia University and member of IBM’s Watson Healthcare Advisory Board, Wired Science reports.
“A machine like [IBM's Watson], with massively parallel processing, is like 500,000 of me sitting at Google and Pubmed, trying to find the right information.”
Yet though Watson is clearly a powerful tool, doctors like physician Mark Graber, a former chief of the Veterans Administration hospital in Northport, New York,  wonder if it’s the right tool. “Watson may solve the small fraction of cases where inadequate knowledge is the issue,” he said. “But medical school works. Doctors have enough knowledge. They struggle because they don’t have enough time, because they didn’t get a second opinion.”
According to Chase, doesn’t fully appreciate Watson’s value in bias-free second opinions. “The machine says, you thought of 10 things. Here are the other five,” he said. “You’ve probably seen Jerome Groopman’s book, How Doctors Think, about the mistakes doctors make. A simple one is anchoring: You get stuck to some diagnosis. We’ve all had that experience. A machine can change its diagnostic profile on a dime based on new information. One of the things a machine is not is biased.”
Graber warned that doctors will need to guard against a new source of bias: over-reliance on Watson. “When I use my GPS too much, I never really learn the layout of a new city,” Graber said. “Same story.”
He and Chase also disagree on the implications for health costs. Chase sees Watson helping doctors and patients reduce eliminate unnecessary tests and treatments, whichnow cost $750 billion per year. Graber fears that Watson’s ability to identify many possible diagnoses will encourage patients to ask for even more tests and procedures, setting off a cost-inflating “diagnostic cascade.”  …

Saturday, October 13, 2012

eHealth and Event Driven Architecture

I have not seen too many articles on eHealth and Event Driven Architecture but when I was studying about Web Services and Service Oriented Architecture, the idea was compelling. In particular I was interested in the idea that any event related to one's Health ID could trigger ehealth record keeping, especially to the personally controlled health record (PCHR).  In this ubiquitous connected internet of things world, the PCHR would  become the master patient index. No need to give everyone a personal health record on a national architecture - a staggering expense a majority of people might never use.  If someone gets ill and needs to enter into the health care system HIAL (Health Information Access Layer)  the service starts to trigger and generate records.  Even Apple's iCloud could be a service for eHealth events.  Or maybe I have been reading too much of Steve Job's biography (which actually didn't have much about eHealth in it). More in the future...

Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Rapid Approach of the Health Internet of Things

I subscribe to LaBlogga's "Broader Perspectives" blog and this is one of the first posts that directly talks about "ehealth".  Broader Perspectives is interesting to read because most of the time it is kind of a post-modernist advance search party looking for the intersection between technology and society. I also wonder about the subject of the post, referring to "Internet of Things".  Now, if I am not mistaken,  the "Internet of Things" was coined by a guy who ran an IBM sponsored lab at MIT, who envisioned a world networked together through RFID tags - literally every manufactured thing could have an RFID tag and thus be on the internet.  I know RFID is being used in Healthcare, but I am not sure if it will ever be ubiquitous.

Sunday, August 05, 2012

The Rapid Approach of the Health Internet of Things

The efforts of the eHealth movement have been quietly gathering steam for the last five years and are finally fulminating into what could be a significant transformation in the management of health and health care. The most encouraging sign of change is that it consists of not just the usual shiny new technology solutions, but more importantly, structural changes in the public health system:

The 80% slim-down of the doctor’s office visit…

  • Majority of diagnosis is straightforward: It is estimated that in 18/20 cases (per Singularity University FutureMed), diagnosis is straightforward, and could be accomplished via telemedicine.
  • Trend to higher deductible plans: many programs are underway to transfer employees to higher-deductible plans which both reduces costs and puts more of an emphasis on preventive medicine.
Significant progress could be made with these structural changes acting in concert with the new generation of healthtech tools in areas such as:
  • Quantified self-tracking devices, examples: Fitbit, Zeo sleep tracking, Body Media, Pebble Watch, Nike Fuel Band, Basis Watch
  • mHealth (mobile health) apps, examples: The Eatery, MoodPanda, Map My Run, Cardio Trainer

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Virtual-reality simulator helps teach surgery for brain cancer

This article, which I found on the Kuzweil site, is an education and training simulation system built in Canada and now used in Canadian medical centres for teaching.  I don't know if this kind of health technology is classified as eHealth, but I thought the area of medical professional and student training in health technology a real part of health informatics.  Health Technology Assessment is almost a branch of science itself.  It is kind of the clinical trial process for health technology, before it comes to market, safe for human consumption.

Virtual-reality simulator helps teach surgery for brain cancer

NeuroTouch system provides 3D graphics and tactile feedback during simulated brain surgery
September 24, 2012
NeuroTouch (credit: National Research Council Canada)
A new virtual-reality simulator — including sophisticated 3D graphics and tactile feedback — provides allows neurosurgery trainees to practice essential skills and techniques for brain cancer surgery.
The prototype system, called “NeuroTouch,” uses 3D graphics and haptic (sense of touch) technology to provide a realistic look and feel for practice in performing common tasks in brain cancer surgery. Lead author Sébastien Delorme, PhD, of the National Research Council Canada and colleagues believe the NeuroTouch system could enhance “acquisition and assessment of technical skills” for neurosurgeons in training.
The NeuroTouch software simulates what the neurosurgeon sees through the operating microscope during surgery — including detailed, lifelike renderings of brain tissue, blood vessels, and tumors. The system also includes haptic tool manipulators, providing tactile feedback similar to what the surgeon would feel during surgery. The simulator runs on computers that are similar to those used to run popular games.
The surgical tasks were developed using 3D reconstructions of MRI scan data from actual patients. With further development, the system could also allow neurosurgeons to simulate and practice actual operations, based on the patient’s own MRI scan.
During the development process, the researchers received feedback through an advisory network of teaching hospitals. The 3-D visual graphics received high praise, although the tactile feedback system came in for more criticism. Surgeons testing the system also suggested improvements to the ergonomics of using the simulator.
Neurosurgical residency training programs are challenged to make the most of their resources while maximizing training opportunities for residents. About 90 percent of surgical training is received in the operating room, where residents learn procedures by assisting surgeons with hundreds of operations.
Medical simulators — similar to those used to train airline pilots — are increasingly viewed as a cost-effective complement to traditional surgical training. For example, a commercially available simulator has proven effective in helping trainees perform minimally invasive gallbladder surgery more rapidly, with a lower risk of patient injury.
The NeuroTouch system appears to be a promising tool for extending virtual reality technology to teaching common and important neurosurgery techniques. While it is not the first neurosurgical simulator, it provides key advances over previous systems, particularly in terms of providing real-time graphics and tactile feedback.
The next step will be to evaluate the new system in actual neurosurgical training programs. “First generation NeuroTouch prototypes have been set up in 7 teaching hospitals across Canada, to be used for beta testing and validation and evaluated for integration in a neurosurgery training curriculum,” according to Dr. Delorme and colleagues, and a new generation of NeuroTouch simulators is currently being deployed worldwide.

Monday, September 24, 2012

eSight - another Startrek spin off?

I read about this story in the local newspaper because a local person was one of the first to try the eSight goggles, and could see her husband's face and her two kids' for the first time very clearly. Turned out she liked what she saw, which is a good thing.  The technology behind eSight is company of people who I recognize because I used to work (on the margins at least) of Ottawa Silicon Valley.


eSight Corp is an early commercial stage privately held company that has developed intelligent video eyewear for people challenged by degenerative eye diseases.  We are primarily focused on eSight Eyewear – assistive technology that helps people with low vision lead more independent lives at home and at work.
Click here to find out more.

Quantum Computing and eHealth

If you want a glimpse of the future, subscribing to IEET is probably the best way to go, though I think many writers tend to be overly optimistic.  This article on Quantum Computing and the future of health in 20 years might be one such, but who knows. I didn't know that a Canadian company D-Wave, developed the first QC machine.  Their website has an interesting article on how QC programming is different from regular programming, which reminds me a little about Bell's theorum.

Quantum Computers: Headband Telepathy, Medical Advances, and more!

Dick Pelletier
Dick Pelletier
Positive Futurist

Posted: Sep 22, 2012
Quick: without grabbing your cell phone, tablet or PC, when did Earth population reach 7 billion? In the near future, the answer might be immediately whispered into your ear, “October 31, 2011.”
Any query you can think of will soon be answered with a headband that gathers data from the Internet and feeds it directly into your brain, say Peter Schwartz and Rita Koselka in this Fortune Magazine article
Stuart Wolf, Nanostar director at University of Virginia predicts an even more Earth-shaking change. Within 20 years, he says, instead of cell phone conversations, we will have “network-enabled telepathy;” communicating directly to another person’s headband, using just our thoughts.   
Recognizing thoughts instead of ‘voice-speak’ may be confusing at first, experts say, but with training, “thought-talking” could one day become the preferred way for humans to communicate with each other.   
How do quantum computers think? This 5 minute video explains. The world’s first QC, D-Wave One, was made and sold by D-Wave Systems to Lockheed Martin, to solve security issues. The 7-minute video below offers more details on this groundbreaking project:
QCs will accelerate advances in medical technologies. In a paper published recently in Nature Scientific Reports, Harvard researcher Alan Aspuru-Guzik presented results of the largest protein folding problem solved to date using a quantum computer. QCs will accelerate advances in many areas of life sciences, including drug and vaccine design, Aspuru-Guzik says.   
The following scenario imagines what life could be like in tomorrow’s quantum computer future:   
“It’s the year 2030, and as I glance around my bedroom, I feel secure knowing that microscopic sensors embedded throughout the house constantly monitor my breathing, heart rate, brain activity and other vital health issues. For example, blood extracted last night by the bathroom sink checked for free-radicals and precancerous cells, and then ordered all the necessary preventative drugs from the home nano-replicator. 

As I step into the shower, wall tiles display the day’s top headlines: ‘Mars mission launches ahead of schedule;’ ‘Military drones destroy another terrorist training camp using ‘smart dust;’ and ‘today is the 20th anniversary of the first quantum computer.’
Glancing in the mirror, I find it hard to believe that I will celebrate my 100th birthday later this year. Having recently opted for total body rejuvenation, my reflection displays the image of a healthy twenty-something, with wrinkle-free skin, perfect sight, original hair color, strong muscles and bones; and an enhanced brain that, although it took some getting used to, has greatly increased my intelligence.
Getting ready to fly to a conference, my auto-drive electric car rolls its top down on this warm day. I manually drive to the electronic roadway on-ramp, and then relinquish the wheel to the vehicle. Arriving at the airport, my ‘smart’ car drops me off at the terminal, and then returns home. An ‘intelligent cam’ scans my mind and gives an instant approval, no waiting for ticket-check or security.
While boarding the plane, I see a familiar face. My headband immediately flashes his identity data and displays it on my eyes. Dr. Jones, I call out. It’s so nice to see you again. How was the conference? Only a slight flicker of Jones’ eyes betrays that he is Googling my details too. Hi Dick; the conference was great; and congratulations on your Estonia presentation.”
Welcome to the future! Headbands, because they can access all of the information on the Internet, enables us to think of any issue; then immediately receive data pertinent to that issue in our eyes or ears.
In another application for the technology, the necessity to learn languages would disappear. This would allow more friendships to develop; and if the devices were cheap enough, which experts claim will be a certainty with nano-replicators expected in this future time, headbands would be affordable for everyone.
These techno-wonders hold great promise to improve relationships. No more forgetting names and details, plus increased intimacy generated by thought-talking could bring people around the world closer together, creating a Global Village; a society acting as one voice to advance peace. Comments welcome.

Dick Pelletier is a weekly columnist who writes about future science and technologies for numerous publications. He's also appeared on various TV shows, and he blogs at Positive Futurist.